DOD’s large 8(a) set-asides
The GAO examined DOD’s 8(a) set-asides over $22 million and found different trends: Sole-source awards increased in number and value over time, while competitively-awarded contracts were variable. The $22 million reflects the threshold for written justifications and approvals of the sole-source deals.
The value of DOD sole-source 8(a) awards over $22 million grew each year from $144 million in FY2016, to $3.4 billion in FY2021, GAO found.
During the same period, the number of DOD’s competed 8(a) contracts over $22 million fluctuated, with a downturn in 2021. Total value rose from $3.3 billion to $9.5 billion.
More Information:
Read the GAO audit report: