Defense spend fell, civilian rose in 2022: Deltek
Defense contract spending fell by 13% in fiscal 2022, while civilian contract spending rose by 5%, according to Deltek executives at the recent FedFocus virtual conference.
“We’re expecting when the dust settles on 2022 that civilian agencies will have a net 5% increase over 2021, so getting back to growth after declines we’ve seen in the prior year,” said Kevin Plexico, SVP of research at Deltek.
The overall decrease in federal contract spending was 7%, Deltek said. Deltek’s estimates take into account the delay in Q4 reporting.
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FedFocus virtual conference:
Updated blacklist of banned China tech
DOD recently released an updated list of China tech companies banned for federal contractors.
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PilieroMazza’s analysis:
Limitations on Subcontracting gets pushback
Law firm PilieroMazza PLLC suggested several changes to SBA’s recent wide-ranging proposed rule affecting small business federal contracting programs.
For one, the law firm disagrees with SBA’s proposed changes to Limitations On Subcontracting (LOS). Contracting officers currently may require compliance with LOS on an order-by-order basis. If that does not happen, then compliance is judged annually.
The proposed rule would require compliance with LOS on all orders under multi-agency MACs, but not on single-agency MACs.
“Given the wide variance in the size and frequency of orders under MACs, we do not think SBA should adopt an approach that requires LOS compliance on an order-by-order basis,” PilieroMazza attorneys wrote. It would be burdensome for agencies and cause “confusion” for small business contractors, who would be “subject to different LOS requirements depending on whether the MAC is a multi-agency contract or not,” they wrote.
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PilieroMazza comments: