GSA names CGI for catalog
The General Services Administration has awarded CGI Federal Inc. a contract to develop the new Common Catalog Platform, replacing Schedule Input. The catalog will be integrated with other systems, with additional functions to improve data quality and management, GSA said. Also, data from GSA’s new Verified Products Portal eventually will be in the catalog, with standardized data for commercial off-the-shelf products.
More information:
GSA Interact blog entry: https://bit.ly/3pJBu9J
Inside this edition:
COVID19 fraud to be top priority
at SBA ‘for many years,’ IG says
Polaris RFP by Dec. 21
Syed delayed again by GOP
‘The Slow Season’: Q1 set-aside awards are lowest of the year
Certify.gov still ineffective: IG
GSA names CGI for catalog
CIO-SP4 awards Feb. 28
New chief for SBA’s SBICs
Column: M&A for Small GovCons: Are We In or Out?
DUNS transition to occur on April 4, 2022: GSA
Online-only ecommerce mkt only $500M: GSA
Coronavirus Update