Will TDR continue?
TDR popular with MAS holders
Industry members are still holding out hope that the General Services Administration will expand its Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) program to all Special Item Numbers.
The agency stated that goal last year but has made no recent announcements. Meanwhile, industry members are praising the program.
TDR is popular with vendors, Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners, wrote in June 6 blog. It allows a firm to bypass Commercial Sales Practice disclosures requiring detailed discount and pricing information. It also eliminates the Most Favored Customer trigger of the Price Reductions Clause.
Another industry source, the Federal Schedules blog, is advising readers to look for updates on TDR this summer, with possible expansion in the fall.
More information:
FedSched Insights: https://bit.ly/3tQ2pC6
Larry Allen blog entry: https://bit.ly/39FRO61