Will contractor COVID vaxes be reinstated?
Appeals court to rule soon
The 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals heard oral arguments on April 8 on the Biden Administration’s COVID vaccine mandate for federal contractors. A decision is expected shortly.
The mandate currently is not in effect due to two separate U.S. District Court injunctions against it: one in Georgia in December 2021, and one in Texas in January 2022. The oral arguments were for the Georgia case.
The case hinges on the government’s legal authority to impose such a mandate. In two recent similar cases, the Supreme Court upheld federal vaccine mandates for federal employees, but not for a broad range of large corporations.
“Whether the 11th Circuit and, ultimately the Supreme Court, will uphold or strike down the federal contractor vaccine mandate cannot be predicted with any degree of certainty,” attorney Christopher Slottee commented in a recent blog.
More information:
Slottee blog: https://bit.ly/3OolOTz
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