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Apr 29 2016    Next issue: May 13 2016

HUBZone contracts expiring in 2016 and 2017 by State and average value per HUBZone firm

State Total $ Avg. $ per firm
CA $146M $328,000
VA $86M $252,000
DC $65M $324,000
OK $63M $234,000
LA $55M $668,000
NY $49M $538,000
NM $47M $666,000
NC $47M $331,000
MD $44M $205,000
GA $44M $283,000
TX $43M $182,000
ID $41M $460,000
FL $41M $214,000
IL $39M $491,000
AZ $39M $531,000
MI $36M $234,000
WA $31M $245,000
TN $31M $310,000
SC $25M $270,000
AK $21M $169,000
HI $20M $323,000
PA $19M $304,000
OH $18M $185,000
AL $17M $210,000
UT $16M $709,000
KY $13M $214,000
MS $9M $93,000
MO $8M $123,000
MT $6M $49,000
MN $6M $130,000
IN $5M $217,000
NV $4M $105,000
OR $4M $30,000
MA $4M $90,000
SD $3M $269,000
IA $3M $301,000
CO $3M $39,000
WY $3M $218,000
NJ $3M $74,000
KS $2M $128,000
WV $2M $114,000
ME $1M $106,000
WI $1M $32,000
ND $0.9M $63,000
AR $0.6M $20,000
DE $0.3M $86,000
NE $0.1M $4,000
NH $0.02M $1,000
CT $0 $0
RI $0 $0
VT $0 $0
Total $1.2B
Source: FPDS and DSBS State totals rounded to nearest $1M; totals per firm rounded to nearest $1K.

More Information: Sources: FPDS and DSBS
State totals rounded to nearest $1M; totals per firm rounded to nearest $1K.

Looking for HUBZone contracts?

HUBZone contracts expiring in 2016 and 2017 by State and average value per HUBZone firm

GAO proposes $350 fee to file bid protests

GSA: we may reopen Schedule 75

PSC criticizes sick leave rule

GSA asks for $947M for courthouses

Column: GWACs and MACs - Vital tools for small businesses

Washington Insider:

  • Alliant 2 RFPs in June
  • Govini tracks vendor #s
  • GSA Schedule 70 contract in only 35 days
  • SBA awardees
  • SBA scorecard on 4/28

Correction to 4/15/16 chart: Changes in number of HUBZone Firms by state

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