GSA’s top 25K products
GSA’s General Supplies and Services (GSS) Portfolio has launched its new Demand Data initiative to identify the top 25,000 items purchased across business lines, including Multiple-Award Schedules, Global Supply and Retail Operations.
“We are finding that on average fewer than 1% of the products within the GSS program result in 50% of the sales,” GSA announced. “Through this analysis, and sharing the 25,000 top selling items, we believe we can change how GSS comes to market in ways that will benefit both buyers and sellers.”
The initiative will allow vendors to tailor their price list to focus on the most popular items, and to potentially shorten turnarounds for modifications if there are a small number of popular items on price lists, GSA said.
The current list of the top 25,000 is composed mostly of office supplies. Future updates will include additional product categories. The Demand Data list is refreshed every 90 days.
More information:
Demand Data website: