National Cyber Strategy reduces small biz role
President Biden released his National Cybersecurity Strategy with a focus on reducing the responsibilities of small businesses and agencies.
“Today, end users bear too great a burden for mitigating cyber risks,” the strategy states. We “cannot rely on the vigilance of our smallest organizations and individual citizens.” Instead, we should rely on the “most capable and best-positioned actors” to defend cyberspace.
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Fact Sheet:
Final rule on use of SPRS risk assessments
The Defense Dept. issued a final rule amending the DFARS to require contracting officers to use the DOD’s Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS) risk assessments, if available, to evaluate quotes in all solicitations for supplies and services, among other uses. The final rule was effective on March 22.
The final rule clarifies that use of the SPRS is to be applied for Federal Supply Schedules, commercial acquisitions, acquisitions using FAR part 13 simplified acquisition procedures, evaluation of offers under part 215, and indefinite-delivery contracts.
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FedRegister Final Rule:
Applying GSAR to VA’s FSS contracts
The GSA has proposed a rule to clarify when GSAR clauses apply to the Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) contracts created by the Veterans Affairs Dept. under delegated authorities by the GSA. Comments are due by May 15.
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FedRegister Proposed Rule:
PTACs rebranding
In December 2022, DOD’s Office of Small Business Programs renamed its 96 PTACs (Procurement Technical Assistance Centers) as “Apex Accelerators.” But the transition to a new name may be causing some confusion as many PTACs have longstanding Web and Twitter addresses utilizing “PTAC.” For example, remains so to date. So does the Association of PTACs: