Williams is new HSBC chair
HSBC GOP back SBA management bill
The new chairman of the House Small Business Committee (HSBC), Rep. Roger Williams, R-TX, frequently introduces himself as a small businessman who represents “Main Street” interests.
“For over 50 years, (Williams) has run a family-owned car dealership and calf-cow operation,” the committee’s new website states. “His real-world business experience has made him an effective leader and legislator.“
Williams served under GOP Gov. Rick Perry as Secretary of State of Texas from 2004 to 2007. He is a former baseball player on the Atlanta Braves farm team.
He formerly was second in the GOP’s ranks on the House panel.
In related news, the new HSBC website features a bill by former GOP ranking member Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-MO, and backed by the GOP panel members to update management of the Small Business Administration.
The bill would:
- Prohibit Planned Parenthood, lobbying firms and Chinese-owned businesses from utilizing SBA resources;
- Set requirements for regular testimony from SBA officials to Congress;
- Put a hold on new SBA pilot programs while there are unresolved items from SBA’s Inspector General; and
- Eliminate the Community Navigator Pilot Program and “accelerators” and “incubators” that duplicate private programs, among other changes.
More Information:
HSBC website: https://smallbusiness.house.gov/