Set-Aside Alert analysis:
Little gain from WOSB set-asides
While women-owned small businesses (WOSBs) are making progress in federal contracting, it’s not because of set-asides.
The Small Business Administration’s set-aside program for WOSBs has generated total awards valued at less than 3%, on average, of all federal contract award dollars for WOSBs in recent years, according to Set-Aside Alert’s analysis of data from and the SBA.
In fiscal 2019, women-owned small firms captured $26 billion in federal procurements, meeting the government’s 5% goal in that category.
But only $675 million--or 2.6%--was awarded through the WOSB set-aside program. The rest was nearly all from other types of set-asides or through open competition.
A similar percentage of WOSB contract awards achieved through WOSB set-asides was measured in each of the last five years:
- 1.6% in fiscal 2015
- 2.1% in fiscal 2016;
- 3.1% in fiscal 2017;
- 2.4% in fiscal 2018; and
- 2.6% in fiscal 2019.
The value of WOSB set-aside awards totaled:
- $286 million in fiscal 2015;
- $404 million in fiscal 2016;
- $638 million in fiscal 2017;
- $544 million in fiscal 2018; and
- $675 million in fiscal 2019.
Total WOSB awards ranged from $17.8 billion in fiscal 2015 to $26 billion in fiscal 2019. SBA officials were not immediately available to comment.
All WOSB award data in this article includes awards for Economically-Disadvantaged WOSBs (EDWOSBs).
Editor’s Note: WOSBs also receive a small amount of WOSB sole-source awards. It was not clear whether counts those awards as WOSB set-asides.