DOD issues class deviations on WOSBs
The Defense Dept. recently released two class deviations requiring that Women-Owned Small Businesses be formally certified in order to receive WOSB or EDWOSB set-asides.
The purpose of the class deviations is to set rules in place while the FAR is awaiting revision to reflect SBA’s recent changes to certification procedures for WOSBs and EDWOSBs.
DOD contracting officers must use the federal Dynamic Small Business Search online database to verify that a firm is certified and eligible for a set-aside under the SBA’s WOSB program.
Read more:
Class deviation statements:
No prison work set-asides on these products
The Defense Dept. updated its list of product categories for which the Federal Prison Industries’ share is greater than 5% and, therefore, under current regulations, competitive procedures must be used.
Here is the list of products to be fully competed as of April 1, 2021:
- 7110 (Office Furniture)
- 7125 (Cabinets, Lockers, Bins, and Shelving)
- 7210 (Household Furnishings)
- 8405 (Outerwear, Men's)
- 8415 (Clothing, Special Purpose)
- 8420 (Underwear and Nightwear, Men's)
Read more:
Federal Register:
EIDL loan boost
SBA announced that as of April 6, it was raising the loan limit for COVID-related Economic Injury Disaster Loans to $500,000 for 24 months of economic injury, up from a maximum of $150,000 for 6 months of such injury.
Read more at:
SBA announcement: