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Mar 29 2019    Next issue: Apr 12 2019

ATF small biz awards faulted

      An inspector general review of sole-source small business contracts totaling $56 million at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives criticized the bureau for not performing adequate market research and oversight of such awards.

      Nine of the 16 awards reviewed were to Alaska Native Corporations under the 8(a) program. Under unique authorities, sole-source awards up to $22 million to the Alaska Native firms are permitted without justifications.

      Even so, the Justice Dept.’s Office of Inspector General noted in a report that despite those special authorities, contracting officials were falling short on market research required under separate FAR rules. “We found that ATF’s contract files contained ambiguous or no market research to support the contracting officials’ rationale for making sole-source awards for commonplace products and services, such as binoculars, flashlights, guard services, laboratory support and administrative support.,” the IG wrote.

      Furthermore, ATF lacked policies and procedures to adequately monitor its contracting activities, the IG added.

More information:
DoJ OIG Audit Report:


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ATF small biz awards faulted

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Column: Does SBA’s New Recertification Rule Apply to My Contract?

Washington Insider:

  • EEOC 2018 survey is open and due by May 31
  • OMB issues new Category Management procedures
  • DOD memo asks for reports on OTA usage

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