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Dec 18 2015    Next issue: Jan 8 2016

Alaska Native 8(a) revenues decline

Alaska Native regional corporations have seen their 8(a) federal contracting revenues drop by a third in the past four years, according to the latest annual report from the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Regional Native Corporations.

The tribes’ 8(a) awards fell from $3.6 billion in 2010, to $2.4 billion in 2014, which was a 33% reduction.

Their 8(a) revenue was 43% of total revenue in 2010, but it had fallen to 29% of total revenue in 2014.

The decline is being blamed on budget cuts, government shutdown and legislation passed by Congress that aimed to tighten controls on sole-source contracting with Alaska Native small businesses.

Previously, Alaska Native corporations could win 8(a) sole-source awards with no dollar limit. Congress started requiring justifications of 8(a) sole-source awards over $20 million in 2010.

More information: ANCSA Annual Report

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Alaska Native 8(a) revenues decline

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