NAICS Codes updates
The Office of Management and Budget released a list of changes to 28 industry descriptions in the North American Industry Classification System to go into effect in 2017.
The changes were recommended by White House and Commerce Department officials with officials from Canada and Mexico.
Comments are due by Oct. 5.
More information: Federal Register notice:
DOD reasonable price
The Defense Department published a proposed rule to provide guidance for evaluating the reasonableness of prices using data other than certified cost or pricing data.
The rule would implement provisions in the 2013 national defense bill.
Comments are due by Oct. 2.
More information: Federal Register notice:
Analysis by Covington & Burling LLP:
Overtime proposed rule
The SBA’s Office of Advocacy has asked to extend the comment period for the Labor Department’s proposed rule on overtime pay.
The rule would raise the threshold for employees eligible to receive overtime pay from $23,660 to $50,440. Comments are due by Sept. 4.
DOL estimates that 211,000 small businesses and their 1.8 million workers would be affected.
More information: DoL notice
Contractors reluctant to share pricing data: GAO
Defense Department contracting officials experience hurdles in assessing the reasonableness of proposed prices, the GAO said in a new report.
“Overall, GAO found that contracting officials faced challenges when determining price reasonableness, such as data currency and contractor reluctance to share data.”
More information: GAO report