Interior Dept. aims to bolster BIA
Interior Department officials are aiming for an increase in Buy Indian Act procurements under a recent policy memorandum.
“The purpose of this memorandum is to improve implementation of the Buy Indian Act, and to ensure the acquisition actions made to Indian Economic Enterprises are maximized to the fullest extent allowed by the Act,” the National Policy Memorandum states.
It was signed by James N. Burckman, Interior’s acting deputy assistant secretary-Indian Affairs, in January.
In addition, the memo said contracting officers seeking to deviate from the policy must provide a written request with evidence. The bureau will track all deviations and challenges, the memo said.
Under the Act, the Bureau of Indian Affairs must give preferences to Indian-owned small businesses “when authorized and practicable.” The government issued regulations in 2013, more than 100 years after the Act became law.
The new policy was issued following a Government Accountability Office report in July 2015 that noted low levels of BIA procurements.
The value of Bureau of Indian Affairs procurements under the Act, and their percentage of total bureau procurements, have been relatively flat in the last five years, the GAO said. Here is the data: