Less time for taking part in DOD mentor-protege
The DOD plans to amend the DFARS to reduce the period of participation in the DOD Mentor-Protege program to two years, down from three years, unless DOD makes an exception.
The changes implement Section 872 of the 2020 NDAA. Comments are due by April 29.
The rule also would:
- Extend the date for signing a DOD mentor-protégé agreement to Sept. 30, 2024;
- Extend the date for mentor reimbursements, and for mentor credit toward small business subcontracting goals, to Sept. 30, 2026;
- Align protege eligibility size requirements with NAICS codes; and
- Allow DOD terminations for convenience, among other changes.
Read more:
Read the proposed rule: https://bit.ly/3IHuXTC
SBA govcon changes to be added to the FAR
The DOD, GSA and NASA are proposing to amend the FAR to implement several revisions to SBA’s regulations regarding its contracting programs.
Comments are due by April 25.
The SBA revisions address:
- Defining when small business size status is determined for offers for multiple-award contracts;
- New grounds for a socioeconomic status protest if a contractor is “unduly reliant on a small, non-similarly situated entity subcontractor or if such subcontractor performs the primary and vital requirements of the contract (the “ostensible subcontractor rule”)”;
- Eligibility for 8(a) participation under contracts of five years or longer;
- Small business size standards for IT value-added resellers under NAICS code 541519.
Read more at:
Proposed rule: https://bit.ly/3pp3Epx