31 Introduction to GSA Schedules, San Francisco, sponsored by EZGSA. For details, go to http://www.EZGSA.com.
1 Women-Owned Small Business National Council Summer Conference, Embassy Suites, Convention Center, Washington, DC. For details, http://www.uswcc.org/meetings/viewevent.aspx?eventId=80
2 National Small Business Federal Contracting Summit - Summer Conference: Embassy Suites, Convention Center, Washington, DC. Please contact Ms. Margot Dorfman via e-mail at margot@uswcc.org, call at (202) 302-3087, or http://www.uswcc.org/meetings/viewevent.aspx?eventId=81
2 American Express Open Forum Victory in Procurement Conference: Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel, Boston.https://www.seeuthere.com/rsvp/invitation/invitation.asp?id=/m2625a35-1DIVPVYR63HLR
3 EPA’s Office of Small Business Program’s HUBZone Small Business Counseling Session: EPA East Building, Washington, DC. Please contact Mr. David Allen via e-mail at allen.david@epa.gov, or call at (202) 566-0913 for additional information.
7 Introduction to the GSA Schedules, San Diego, sponsored by EZGSA, http://www.ezgsa.com
8-9 Project Management Institute presents seminar on combining Project Management Professional (PMP)® credential with agile practices. Chicago, Ill. http://learning.pmi.org/course-detail.php?id=2031
14-15 Facility Clearance Process Workshop, Tysons Corner, VA, sponsored by EZGSA. For details,
14-15 Facility Security Officer Workshop, Boston Airport, sponsored by EZGSA For details,http://www.ezgsa.com.
15 Veterans Business Conference, Wyndham El Paso Airport Hotel, El Paso, TX. Attendance is free but each attendee must pre-register. Please contact Joseph R. Conway at (915) 831-7748 or via e-mail at jconway@epcc.edu, or Keith Gutierrez at (915) 831-7749 or via e-mail at kgutier2@epcc.edu for additional information.
5-7 National HUBZone Conference in Washington, DC includes Match-Making Sessions with federal agencies and prime contractors, sessions, workshops, and roundtable discussions. Liaison Capitol Hill Hotel. sponsored by HUBZone Contractors National Council . For details and to register, go to www.hubzonecouncil.com.
11 Foundations of Business Development course, OST Global Solutions, Rockville, MD. For details, http://www.ostglobalsolutions.com
12-13 Preparing Winning Multiple Award and Task Order Proposals, OST Global Solutions, Rockville, MD. See http://www.ostglobalsolutions.com
12-13 Capture and Proposal Management workshop, Tyson’s Corner, VA, sponsored by EZGSA. For details, http://www.ezgsa.com
19 Labor Department Vendor Outreach Event in Washington, featuring SDV companies. Registration opens 30 days in advance at http://webapps.dol.gov/DOLEvents/Event/View/74/Small-Business-Vendor-Outreach-Session.
25 Creative Proposal Writing, Tyson’s Corner, VA, sponsored by EZGSA For details, http://www.ezgsa.com.
25-26 Foundation of Capture Management, OST Global Solutions, Rockville, Md. http://www.ostglobalsolutions.com
27-28 Advanced Capture Management, OST Global Solutions, Rockville, Md. For details, http://www.ostglobalsolutions.com
1 Deadline to apply for FREE veterans entrepreneur ship scholarship program at Oklahoma State University Riata Center. For details, go to http://entrepreneurship.okstate.edu/riata/veterans/application/