4Q starts now!
Start your engines (if you haven’t already). Cancel your August vacation. Get ready for a possibly historic fourth quarter with tens of billions of dollars in additional spending forecasted. But will it be as mind-blowing as the predictions?
More Information:
Read Tom Johnson’s column on this topic.
OIG finds 89% of WOSB sole-source contracts not compliant
Pres. Trump: Consolidate small business contracting aid
4Q starts now!
Alaska Native firms cheer new Sec. 811 memos from DOD
E-commerce could hurt small biz
Column: How are we doing in FY2018?
Sec. 809 panel advises ‘portfolio management’
NASA preps for 4Q rush on SEWP contract
Reviving ‘contractor vs. civilian’ competitions
GAO: Kingdomware only applies to VA