2nd RFI for Services MAC
Responses by June 21
The General Services Administration posted its second Request for Information for the new Services Multiple-Award Contract follow-on to the popular “OASIS” professional services governmentwide contract.
Responses are due by June 21. The GSA also published a preview survey for vendors. Another Industry Day is planned in July.
More Information:
GSA Interact posting: https://interact.gsa.gov/node/467519
Inside this edition:
Biden seeks boosts to SBA’s GovCon, SBIR, Vets BD & more
Infrastructure plans put focus on DBEs
2nd RFI for Services MAC
GAO pushes more Cat Mgmt, less overlap in PTACs, SBDCs
GSA provides Polaris update
Return-to-work memo issued
CVE transfer logistical gaps
Column: Have You Checked Out the Revamped GSA Schedules Program?
SBA: Small firms got 96% of PPP loans in 2021
HCaTS 8(a) Pool 2 contract open for biz: GSA
NCMA has new prez
Coronavirus Update