(Click on headlines below to read each full story.)
SBA - Millions of dollars sought for small biz training and development Fiscal 2015 request drops, but a few accounts to rise sharply
In the big picture, President Obama has asked for a smaller budget for the Small Business Administration in fiscal 2015.
DOD: Big cut for MILCON
To stay under the budget caps set by Congress last year, the Defense Department is proposing a 33% cut in military construction spending for fiscal 2015 in comparison to this year’s enacted level, according to a DOD senior executive.
House panel passes 6 small biz bills
The House Small Business Committee approved six bills aimed at improving small business federal contracting on March 5.
Act FAST for $100K SBA grants
The deadline to apply for the Small Business Administration’s FAST innovation grants to support small businesses is April 11.
Fed contractor databases under fire
Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-MO, criticized the federal government’s contractor performance databases as being “shockingly old and clunky” and lacking in key information, she said at a Senate subcommittee hearing on March 6.
Column: The government’s good faith and fair dealing duty to government contractors
One of the biggest challenges federal contractors face these days is the time agencies are taking to make decisions that impact the contractors’ bottom lines.
Washington Insider:
FSSI bid protests
There have been 24 bid protests filed to date on three recent General Services Administration strategic sourcing vehicles....
Still no SBA chief
With President Obama’s nominee Maria Contreras-Sweet still unconfirmed by the Senate, some small businesses are urging an end to the delay....
DOD #1 user of GWACs
Defense Department agencies and services account for nearly half of the spending across the General Services Administration’s five governmentwide acquisition vehicles (GWACs)....
SBA $93M sequester cut
The Small Business Administration’s budget was reduced by $93 million due to sequestration in fiscal 2013....