Procurement Watch
CONTRACT: Combined synopsis/solicitation - C--556-402, Expand SPD (SCIP) (AE), Veterans Affairs Department, Capt. James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center (Lovell FHCC), North Chicago, IL
Solicitation VA69D14I0630
Set-Aside: Service-disabled veteran-owned small business
Responses due: April 5
NAICS code 541310 applies. The Small Business Standard is $7 million. The cost range is $500,000 to $1 million.
CONTRACT: Presolicitation - V--Charter of a Ship for Support of Walrus Radio-Tagging in the Chukchi Sea, AK, U.S. Geological Survey
Solicitation G14PS00197
Set-Aside: 100% small business
Responses due: March 26
Seeking charter of an offshore research vessel capable of working in broken sea ice to support a walrus radio-tagging project in the northern Chukchi Sea for a maximum of 14 days between July 12 and 26, 2014. The vessel will be required to transit to Nome, AK, or other appropriate ports near the work area, board the science crew, and continue to the work area for arrival by about July 15, 2014. The NAICS code is 483113, total small business set aside, Product service code V224, size standard 500.
CONTRACT: Combined synopsis/solicitation C--IDIQ Contract for A-E Services for Environmental Investigations, Permit Applications and Related Studies at Various Navy and Marine Corps Activities, Pacific Basin
Solicitation N6274214R1884
Set-Aside: 100% small business
Responses due: April 2
The NAICS Code is 541330. The small business size standard is $14 million average annual receipts over the past 3 years.
CONTRACT: Presolicitation - Y--KC-46A Pipeline Student Dormitory, McConnell Air Force Base, KS, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Solicitation W912DQ-14-R-4015
Set-Aside: 100% small business
Responses due: May 1
This procurement is a design-bid-build contract to construct a 19,174 SF dormitory. The estimated performance period for completion of construction is 365 calendar days from Notice to Proceed. The NAICS code is 236220 (Commercial and Institutional Building Construction), with a small business size standard of $33.5 million in average annual receipts. The estimated cost of this construction project is between $5 million and $10 million.
CONTRACT: Presolicitation Fort Bragg SATOC, Army Corps of Engineers
Solicitation W912DR-14-R-0025
Set-Aside: 100% small business
Responses due: N/A
This is a presolicitation notice for a Single Award Task Order Construction Contract for Fort Bragg, NC. This is a task order construction contract that will include both Design-Build and Design-Bid-Build task orders. One contractor will be selected for award. The NAICS code is 236220, with a size standard of $33.5 million. The resultant contract will be issued for a five year period. The total capacity for the contract will be $49 million.
CONTRACT: Presolicitation - JUNCTION WASH BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, USDA Forest Service, R-3 Southwestern Region/Western Zone
Solicitation AG-94TZ-S-14-0015
Set-Aside: 100% small business
Responses due: N/A
The Coconino National Forest, Red Rock Ranger District, AZ, intends to award a contract for the Junction Wash Bridge Replacement. The magnitude for this project is between $250,000 and $500,000.