Editor’s Note: Set-Aside Alert utilizes the Google URL Shortener service to reduce long Web links for easier access. The shortened URLs begin with http://goo.gl/
11 NVSBC-DC Boot Camp and Chapter Dinner with Deltek’s Kevin Plexico, Arlington VA Contact Scott Semple scott.semple@nvsbc.org for details.
11 AFCEA Bethesda Breakfast, Bethesda, MD http://goo.gl/UPofNL
12 Aronson LLC Symposium: What do the Election Results Mean for Government Contractors? McLean, VA http://goo.gl/1yEBc6
12 SECAF Post-Election Briefing with Hon. Tom Davis, McLean, VA http://goo.gl/9qrFY2
18-20 Natl. Assoc. of Black Women in Construction Annual Conference, Orlando, FL http://www.nabwic.org/index.html
22-24 7th Annual Native American HR Conference, Anaheim, CA https://www.nativenation events.org/events-conferences/
24 WBCS Woman Entrepreneurs Exchange, Austin, TX http://www.wbenc.org/calendar/
25 Mid-Tier Advocacy Breakfast: The Government in Transition, Tyson’s Corner, VA http://goo.gl/O2FDTs
26 Govconectx Federal Sales Boot Camp, location TBD http://goo.gl/Y9PNug
2 AFCEA-Bethesda Breakfast: Legacy Systems Modernization, Rockville, MD http://goo.gl/IZq0kE
7-8 Natl. 8(a) Association Winter Conference, Orlando, FL https://goo.gl/g1TeZ0
8 Fedscoop hosts Government of the Future, Pentagon City, VA http://www.fedscoop.com/events/government-of-the-future/
8-9 31st Annual DBE Workshops and Golden Shovel Awards, Pewaukee, WI, http://namcnational.org/2016-events/
9 B2G Conference and Expo, Fort Stewart, GA http://www.ttexpostewart2017.org/
15-17 NAMC Planning Meeting, San Diego, CA http://namcnational.org/2016-events/
16 Defense Tech Expo, Fort Belvoir, VA goo.gl/AxstbQ
20-22 Procurement Transformation & Innovation in the Digital Supply Chain, New Orleans, LA http://www.dmsca.us/
22 Citizen Engagement Summit, Washington, DC https://fcw.com/citizen
23 GovConectx Winter Showcase, location TBD, http://goo.gl/Y9PNug
MARCH 2017
14 SECAF Executive Briefing: The State of Federal Health IT, McLean, VA http://goo.gl/LTkwkF
14-15 Minority Business Opportunity Day, Industry Hills, CA http://www.scmsdc.org
16 WAVE 7th Annual Women Veterans Small Business Seminar, Location TBD http://www.wbenc.org/calendar/
21-23 WBENC Summit & Salute, New Orleans, LA http://www.wbenc.org/calendar/
23 GovConectx Fort Belvoir Expo, Fort Belvoir, VA http://goo.gl/Y9PNug
28 Alliance Mid-Atlantic, Atlantic City, NJ http://goo.gl/Z3jrfL
APRIL 2017
4-6 Cyber and Information Security Research Conference with Oak Ridge Natl. Labs, Oak Ridge, TN; Call 1-844-325-0341 for more information
13 Joint Base Langley-Eustis 5th Annual B2G Conference & Expo, Hampton Roads, VA http://www.ttexpojble2017.org/
20 Defense Tech Fort Belvoir Expo, Fort Belvoir, VA http://goo.gl/gCnHJP
20-21 50th Annual Chicago Business Opportunity Fair, Chicago, IL http://www.cbofevents.com/
25 13th Annual Procurement and Contracting Symposium, El Paso, TX http://www.elpasococ-events.org/
27 GovConectx Navy Yard Symposium, Washington, DC http://goo.gl/Y9PNug
MAY 2017
9 SECAF Awards Gala, McLean, VA, http://www.secaf.org
11-12 2017 Navy Contracting Summit, Norfolk, VA. For information call (202) 552-0179 or email info@defenseleadershipforum.org
16-18 US Energy Dept. 16th Annual Small Business Forum & Expo, Kansas City, MO http://goo.gl/XbnI0w
19 Alliance Texas 2017, Arlington, TX http://goo.gl/h1Obaq
25 GovConectx Spring Showcase, Location TBD http://goo.gl/Y9PNug
31-1 12th annual DOD/VA and Health IT Summit, Alexandria, VA goo.gl/UNmLLI
JUNE 2017
12-15 Natl. Veteran Small Business Coalition Annual Meeting, Norfolk VA http://www.nvsbc.org
14-16 Natl. Assoc. of Minority Contractors 48th Annual National Conference, Columbia, SC http://namcnational.org/2016-events/
20-22 2017 WBENC National Conference & Business Fair, Las Vegas, NV http://www.wbenc.org
21-22 ACQUIRE Conference & Expo 2017, Washington, DC https://acquireshow.com/Events/ACQUIREConferenceandExpo-2017/Home.aspx
22 GovConectx Maryland Showcase, location TBD http://goo.gl/Y9PNug
JULY 2017
20 GovConectx Navy Yard Symposium, Washington, DC http://goo.gl/Y9PNug
1-4 National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce National Conference 2017, Las Vegas, NV http://www.nglcc.org
10 GovConectx Summer Showcase, Location TBD http://goo.gl/Y9PNug
21 GovConectx Federal Sales Boot Camp, Location TBD http://goo.gl/Y9PNug
22-25 Annual NMSDC Conference and Business Opportunities Exchange, Detroit, MI http://www.nmsdc.org
26 GovConectx Fort Belvoir Expo, Fort Belvoir, VA http://goo.gl/Y9PNug
16 GovConectx Fall Showcase, Location TBD, http://goo.gl/Y9PNug