GSA sets up online dashboard for GWACs
The General Services Administration launched its Government-wide Acquisition Contracts Dashboard, an online tool for displaying data on purchasing activity under GSA governmentwide acquisition contracts (GWACs).
The interactive dashboard provides access to task order data from 2004 through the present.year, which can be sorted by contract, federal agency, and industry partner. It is updated daily.
GSA officials say the dashboard will be especially helpful to small business owners collecting market intelligence.
“Over the past several years we’ve received feedback from our federal agency customers and our small business partners indicating that they need access to GSA’s GWAC task-order data,” Mary Davie, acting commissioner of the Federal Acquisition Service, said in a news release. “The launch of this new GWAC dashboard is a direct response to their needs.”
The dashboard also provides an overview of all GWAC task order obligations, dollars spent, number of awards, agency and bureau activity, and industry partners issued task orders by each agency.
The dashboard is available at