July 23 2010 Copyright 2010 Business Research Services Inc. 301-229-5561 All rights reserved.

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Washington Insider

SBA-backed lending fell off a cliff in June after special provisions in the economic stimulus law expired.

SBA said approved loans in its programs fell by two-thirds from May to June, to $647 million. It’s the lowest loan total in many years, even lower than during the credit collapse of 2008, the New York Times reported.

The stimulus law raised the guarantee on 7(a) business loans to 90%, from 75%, and cut fees for the loans. The Senate has stalled legislation that would renew the provisions.

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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is reportedly planning to schedule debate on the Small Business Lending Fund Act. The bill would allow small business owners to deduct payments for family health insurance on their self-employment tax return; and to write off capital expenditures up to $500,000 for fiscal years 2010 and 2011, double the current limit.

It would also authorize the IRS to issue a levy during any collections due process.

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The Energy Department will lead the way in applying cool roofing technology to federal buildings, and Secretary Steven Chu is urging other agencies to follow suit.

Chu has directed all DOE offices to install cool roofs when they replace old ones or build new facilities, whenever it’s cost-effective. Cool roofs use lighter-colored roofing surfaces or special coatings to reflect more of the sun’s heat, reducing cooling costs and offsetting carbon emissions.

DOE is offering other federal agencies its Guidelines for Selecting Cool Roofs, which provide technical assistance on types of roofing materials and how to select the roof that will work best on a specific facility. 

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SBA has granted a class waiver of the nonmanufacturer rule for Configured Tape Library Storage Equipment, Product Service Code (PSC) 7025 Automated Data Processing (ADP) Input/Output and Storage Devices, PSC 7035 ADP Support Equipment, and PSC 7045 ADP Supplies, under NAICS code 334112 (Computer Storage Device Manufacturing). The agency says no small business manufacturers are supplying these classes of products to the government. The waiver is effective Aug. 4.

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