Micro buys said to help small biz consultants
Last year’s increase in the micropurchase threshold to $10,000 for civilian agencies has contributed to growth in “microconsultants,” according to Steve Kelman, contracting columnist for FCW.
The microconsultants take on small tasks rather than major projects. Many are small businesses.
“I predict we’ll be hearing a lot more about microconsulting. This could be a big deal,” Kelman wrote.
Read more at: Kelman FCW column: https://bit.ly/2mnz0fz
Women of Color Fund
Richelieu Dennis, founder of SheaMoisture, announced a $100 million Fund for investing in women entrepreneurs of color. Unilever and Sundial contributed $50 million.
Read more at: https://bit.ly/2zi6jK5
Will 4Q be a dud?
Is the Trump administration purposefully holding off on 4th-quarter spending in agencies where it wanted cuts? In a column on July 6, Set-Aside Alert Publisher Tom Johnson said the latest data showed a slower June than usual. Now another commentator, Jeff Neal, senior vice president for ICF, is also raising questions. If indeed the president is delaying 4th-quarter spending, there may be little Congress can do about it, Neal concludes.
Read more at: Jeff Neal blog: https://bit.ly/2zIONPH