McCaskill takes on ANCs again
Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-MO, is renewing her efforts to tighten oversight over Alaska Native Corporations (ANCs) in the 8(a) federal business development program, but an Alaska lawmaker and native contracting groups are hitting back.
McCaskill, who chairs the Senate Subcommittee on Financial and Contracting Oversight, wrote to the Small Business Administration on June 30 requesting an update on its enforcement of rules over ANCs in its 8(a) program.
McCaskill has been investigating ANCs in 8(a) since at least 2009, when she held a hearing in which concerns were aired about ANCs receiving sole-source contracts and other advantages from 8(a) and about whether profits from the ANCs were reaching the disadvantaged Alaskan natives they were intended to reach.
She also sponsored legislation in 2011 to trim back ANC privileges in contracting. She noted in a report that many ANCs had grown into very large federal contracting organizations while benefiting from special status within 8(a), even though 8(a) was meant for small and disadavantaged firms.
In the June 30 letter, McCaskill asked the SBA to provide a list of all joint venture contracts for ANC 8(a) firms since March 14, 2011, among other information.
Meanwhile, Rep. Mark Begich, D-AK, and native contractors have issued sharp rebukes to McCaskill.
Kevin Allis, executive director of the Native American Contractors Association (NACA), said in a statement that NACA members have invested more than $111 million in profits back into their communities, including investments in health, language and cultural preservation and education.
“Senator McCaskill knows nothing about us, and refused invitations to glean a better understanding of Indian country,” Allis added.
Added Sen. Mark Begich, D-AK: “I’m afraid my colleague, Sen. McCaskill--through her narrow lens as a ‘government oversight and efficiencies guru’--has trouble understanding Alaska history, even with my repeated attempts to reason with her.”
McCaskill did not respond to a request for comment.
More information: NACA statement: