April 2 2004 Copyright 2004 Business Research Services Inc. 202-364-6473 All rights reserved.

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IT Firm Seeking Small Business Partners

IT contractor CDW Government Inc. is looking for small, woman- or veteran-owned companies, small disadvantaged businesses and HUBZone companies to partner on federal business opportunities.

The company said it is expanding a consortium that currently includes 12 small firms.

The RFP, at www.cdwg.com/smallbizrfp, says CDW-G plans to award partnership agreements in each of the socioeconomic categories. The small business partner may issue purchase orders to CDW-G and CDW-G may fulfill those orders for federal opportunities that it or its partner generates.

“In establishing this consortium last summer, our strategy was right on target,” said CDW-G President Jim Shanks. “We have been able to help federal agencies fulfill their goals for awarding set-aside contracts, and at the same time have found it profitable to work with small firms that need a larger company’s resources to strengthen their presence in the federal market.

Responses to the RFP are due by April 12.

*For more information about Set-Aside Alert, the leading newsletter
about Federal contracting for small, minority and woman-owned businesses,
contact the publisher Business Research Services in Washington DC at 800-845-8420