Midwest Moving dba MMS Logistic Services, of Elk Grove Village, IL, is seeking prime contracting and subcontracting teaming opportunities in logistic services including relocations, furniture management and freight services. Please contact us to learn more about our capabilities. We have served as a prime contractor on contracts for the Department of Energy, United States Army Corps of Engineers and IRS. Contact Tom Pera, General Manager, 888-722-6683 x5176; Fax: 847-593-7618 or email tpera@midwestmoving.com
Armada Services, an EDWOSB, is seeking teaming opportunities for freight transport arrangement and domestic inland cargo transport. We specialize in RO/RO cargo, containers, ITAR/EAR shipments as well as inland transport of any type of vehicle or cargo. Current customers include individual military personnel and European Automobile Manufacturers. Our NAICS codes are 488510, 541614 and 488999. For more information, please visit our website, www.armadaLS.com. You may contact us at 800-680-7410 or email development@armadals.com.
Grants Management Services, LLC (GMS), a small, minority women owned business is seeking teaming, contracting and subcontracting opportunities. We are experts in the Grants Lifecycle including Financial Management, Workflow Management and Pre and Post Award support to federal contractors, non-profit organizations and universities. GMS offers solutions to financial and program management and brings to bear tools, processes, and staff to go beyond mere task performance. Contact: Sharon Cole, PhD, Email: Scole@grantsmanagementservices.com. Phone: 301-300-8015. Website: www.grantsmanagementservices.com.
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