COVID-19 clauses in effect shortly
The Safer Federal Workforce Task Force released its guidance on Sept. 24 on President Joe Biden’s Executive Order on COVID-19 safety protocols for federal contractors.
The guidance sets requirements for safety protocols, including mandatory vaccinations, for federal contractor employees. There also are rules for workers in covered workplaces, including provisions for masking and social distancing. Certain accommodations and exceptions can be made.
The requirements will be incorporated into clauses in covered contracts. The vaccination requirement will apply to employees at covered facilities as well as those working remotely.
Under class deviations issued by defense and civilian authorities, contract clauses implementing the task force’s guidance are to go into effect starting Oct. 15, for extensions and options, and for all covered contracts on Nov. 14.
The final deadline for vendor vaccinations against COVID-19 generally is Dec. 8.
Covered contracts are all contracts above the Simplified Acquisition Threshold subject to the FAR.
Agencies also were to have developed rules for non-FAR contracts, such as concession contracts, by Oct. 8.
Here is a brief overview of the task force’s guidance:
More information:
Task Force guidance:
Class deviations: