Agencies plan Return-to-Work policies for workers, vendors
White House and General Services Administration senior officials have tasked federal agencies with creating plans by July 19 to guide the return to physical offices by federal employees and contractors. There also is new guidance on vaccination status.
In a recent memo, the acting heads of White House agencies and the GSA said agencies must work with the White House’s Safer Federal Workforce Task Force on plans and policies for reentry, including:
- Updating COVID safety plans to reflect the latest Centers for Disease Control and OSHA guidance;
- Considering occupancy limits for specific workspaces;
- Maintaining telework in conformance with the latest task force guidelines; and
- Maintaining ventilation, heat and cooling controls to GSA guidelines.
Exceptions may be requested.
Also, the safer workforces task force released guidance on vaccination status of workers and vendors. It said that at this time there is no mandated requirement for COVID-19 vaccination -- or for disclosure of vaccination status -- for federal workers and contractors.
It also stated that if people voluntarily disclose they are unvaccinated, the agency may implement measures such as mask-wearing and social distancing.
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