Editor’s Note: Sequestration is here, now what happens?
If you are feeling “confused and scared” about sequestration, you are not alone. Business Week says those are common feelings among small federal vendors at the moment. (http://goo.gl/RS8rT)
The terms and timing of sequestration appear to be very unsettled. A good article by Politico outlines three scenarios of what might happen in the next few weeks.(http://goo.gl/FGFcN)
The Washington Post created this interactive infographic outlining the sequester’s effects: http://goo.gl/4M1R5
Make no mistake, sequestration is a big deal. Because of the current political climate, it is a big deal that is particularly dynamic and subject to public opinion.
As editor of Set-Aside Alert I am trying to highlight the most important aspects of the sequester that could affect you.
For the daily ins and outs, follow @setasidealert on Twitter for the latest updates.
We are committed to sharing the most helpful information and perspectives with you for dealing with the current situation.
Alice Lipowicz, editor